Sunday, 24 October 2010

Catching up...

I have been meaning to start up the blog again but I kept forgetting! It has been nearly four weeks into the module so I have much to update on.

INITIAL research

When I first receieved the brief I went to Deptford to find inspiration. I wanted my concept to be related to the geography of Deptford so the whole business would have strong relation and relevance to the area. I immeadiately caught attention of the street art on the streets of Deptford. This was one of the first images I took:

Observing the people around the area I saw many young people - just hanging out outside. Many people I saw dressed in street fashion - hoodies, baggy jeans, trainers. Therefore my concept began to develop from streetwear. Fashion stores oberved included a few vintage stores. Going towards the Goldsmith's campus location I could see the vintage trend emerging amongst students. This was another aspect I decided to incorporate into my concept.

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