Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Research Pages

Primary Images

-Images of vintage garments that I can morph and manipulate with sportswear.
-Urban scenery images for inspiration of more conceptual silhouettes/details or even print.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Research images


So after observing Deptford I decided to go for a mixture of streetwear with vintage. From my marketing research I found that many consumers seeked vintage fashion. However as Deptford has been known as a historical town I want to bring something modern/current/futuristic into my concept aswell to differentiate from typical vintage stores. I've started to look into sportswear where street fashion has derived from. I am looking at ways to combine elements of sportswear such as the functionalities, fastenings and fabrics with classic vintage silhouettes, details, colours and fabrics. For more design inspiration Ive also looked into movement (sports) and urban scenery. I thought these topics connected with the youth and modern element and also providing more conceptual ideas.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Catching up...

I have been meaning to start up the blog again but I kept forgetting! It has been nearly four weeks into the module so I have much to update on.

INITIAL research

When I first receieved the brief I went to Deptford to find inspiration. I wanted my concept to be related to the geography of Deptford so the whole business would have strong relation and relevance to the area. I immeadiately caught attention of the street art on the streets of Deptford. This was one of the first images I took:

Observing the people around the area I saw many young people - just hanging out outside. Many people I saw dressed in street fashion - hoodies, baggy jeans, trainers. Therefore my concept began to develop from streetwear. Fashion stores oberved included a few vintage stores. Going towards the Goldsmith's campus location I could see the vintage trend emerging amongst students. This was another aspect I decided to incorporate into my concept.

FT3013! Deptford

FT3013 - third year, combined module with marketing.

This blog is continuing with the design aspect of a new module:

Brief - Design a range for your proposed fashion business that is to be located in Deptford, South East London. The designs are aimed to target your consumers as found in marketing and therefore catering to their needs and profile as well as your design concept. Two garments are to be made from the design part of the module, one of them is to be tailored.