Tuesday, 2 March 2010

26th Feb

Morning class
So the same routine as last week . .. presentations! most people were picked from last week but were absent so did them this week. There was only one name that needed to be drawn out this week and (be careful what you wish for) ...its was lucky me! I actually got picked but I was not expecting it as I thought I wouldn't be so 'lucky'. But I just went for it and got through it! Super glad its over now! Now I can just watch and listen every week :)
20 minute sessions! We had to sketch as many cuff, silhouette and collar ideas, each in 20 minute periods. This was based from some of our research and fabric samples. I found it quite difficult as I felt it was slightly random and forced. I think this would be a better exercise once we have gathered all our research and are starting to develop designs. Trying to design from rough research made me think too hard as there was not enough to inspire me. Working and developing our sketchbook would make better use of the time at this stage.
By next week- complete 6 sheets each for silhouette, cuffs and collars (quick sketches and colour).

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